Wednesday, September 10, 2008

#1 Hippies

Audience: Republicans
The colors and swirls of the outfits are only there to distract you from their messed up perception of the way they think the world should work. They think that by holding a peace sign and avoiding any type of conflict, that this can make the world a better place. They lack any type of work ethic and believe they can get by in life by "going with the flow" or "taking' it easy." They are known to be unreliable and unpredictable when it comes to any situation in life. This can dramatically effect the economy and produce and unproductive society. Some people may think oh its just a stage that teens go through. However, as you can see in this picture, this stage can go on for many years. These elderly people should not be partying on a camping trip, they should be at home playing with their grandchildren. Hippies, beat necks, or whatever you prefer to call them need to finally realize that not all aspects of life are peaceful and sometimes someone needs to take charge in order to make something happen.

Audience: Peers
I don't understand what anyone has against hippies. Just because someone doesn't want to be a business man working ten hour days doesn't mean there is anything wrong with them. They just want to live a relaxing life, free of schedules or "to do" lists. I can't see the harm in living life day by day with out much planning. Life is spontaneous, and when society tries to plan it all out, the meaning becomes distorted and pointless. People say that hippies are bums and do not contribute anything to the public. This is not true at all. Hippies are very artistic and bring culture to society. People under estimate hippies contribution to the world - they show us to stop and smell the roses. Not every hippie is a burn out on drugs, but can offer a new perspective to our overworked and overtired culture.


Rock fan said...

First of all funny picture, but on the writing part, id say that you wrote it well. You went really into both parts of the audience, and played them both well. you described both parts very well. You had good info on them. If there was something to say that was bad, id say that it could have had more effective ending on both. Other than that i would say that it was perfect.

runcarnyrun said...

Excellent job in pandering to your audience. Both styles are able to strike a chord with their respective readers. It's clear you've done a little research or otherwise have a decent bit of knowledge about the issue. The only criticism I can level is that it's not exactly what we were supposed to do. Though you do a good job of analyzing hippy culture, it doesn't address the actual picture very well. I can't envision you going into a lengthy lecture about the virtue of hippies to your friends.