Tuesday, December 16, 2008

#9 "You're so stupid"

In the script a detail to include would be the flare going off in the back round as the lifeboat is lowering. Also, when rose jumps from the lifeboat back onto the ship. Another important action to include is when Leo looks over the edge to see if Rose made it back onto the ship. When Rose and Leo are running to meet each other and they are pushing people out of their way would be a good detail to have written in the script. Also, the script would say when Leo makes it inside the ship and runs down the stairs towards Rose. They meet at the bottom of the steps and hug which would have been put in the script. They kept the handcuffs on Leo from a previous scene in the movie which was planned. The script would also include when Leo kisses Rose's forehead.

One detail that would be added is when the lifeboat is going down, Leo has his hands folded resting on side of the boat. Another would be when Leo glances numerous times at Kal when they are discussing the arrangement. When the boat is lowering and Rose is frantically looking around her would be another added detail. Also, when Jack nods at Rose as the safety boat is nearing the water. When the man controlling the lifeboat signals with his hands for the passengers to sit down would have been added later. They would have also planned out on set to have the small girl in the life boat waving to her dad who is still on the ship. They would also add the over exaggerated heavy breathing while running to meet each other later on. Also, when Rose begins to cry when her and Jack meet in the middle of the ship could have been another added detail.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

#8 Caffeine

A familiar smell,
The black water trickles down,
My senses awake.

Its fizzy than flat,
Bubbles rise to the surface,
Delicious poison.

Sugar overload,
A surge of adrenaline,
Awake for hours.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Home for the holiday

National leave you car at home day has just been announced to the public. America is known for sitting on their butts and not exercising. Hopefully this holiday will be able to change people's views on America. Maybe this holiday will even inspire people to get off their couch daily and exercise. We can only hope. By making this a holiday, people have no other choice than to get up and put the smallest bit of exercise into their day. I know that walking to your car and putting the key in ignition may seem like exercise to some, but come on people. On this national holiday the roads and highways will be off limits to cars and other automobiles. Citizens have the choice of riding their bike, walking, running, rollerblading, or any form of transportation that consists more than simply pushing the gas pedal. So dust off your bike seats or tie on your tennis shoes for a nice stroll in the park. This holiday will take place every June 18th. The weather is warm but not scorching hot. This way no one will have an excuse by saying its a cold snowy day or there's a torrential rainstorm. So get ready to get fit America and leave your car home for the holiday.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

#6 Sayonara Shutter Shades

Yes everyone, what you are seeing is true. These hideous things you refer to as "sunglasses" have just been outlawed. There is no point in wearing these when you could wear actual sunglasses that actually do something for you. These do not make you look cool or "gangster" (as some to refer to them as). They are simply ridiculous. Isn't the point of sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun? These "shades" do not even have lenses. If you plan on wearing these outside expect to get a nice suntan line. With no lenses and a striped frame, you are bound to end up with a nice stripe pattern across your face after a day out in the sun. If you are caught wearing these sunglasses, they will be broken in two immediately and sent to a special factory to be crushed. This confidential factory makes sure that no one can obtain these pieces or reconstruct these "sunglasses." After the authorities destroy your "sunglasses" they can give you up to a 300$ fine (depending on how many pairs you have on you). This item has been pulled off the shelves and discontinued, so save yourself the trouble and buy a real pair of sunglasses.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

#5 A mini monster

You might find this little critter purched high in the canopy of the Amazon rain forest. Good luck catching a close look at one of these guys because with eyes this wide, they can see you from a mile away and can fit their tiny bodies into excellent hiding places. The Tikka has sticky palms which allows it to climb up and down trees. They feed on small insects crawling up and down the bark of the tree and wouldn't dare travel outside the familiar region of the canopy. It is born at about three inches long and does not grow any bigger than five inches. Tikkas are very unproportional with a large head and small slender bodies. Although Tikkas are harmless, they are very shy and rarely come out of their protective shells. They are a delicious snack for hungry toucans if they are able to find them under the thick leaves of the canopy. Tikkas are so small that their predators may have a hard time finding them. Their shells provide a camouflage covering to keep them safe and secure. So if you ever happen to see a Tikka in the Amazon, don't be alarmed, their harmless and friendly creatures.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

#4 I want that

Have you ever wished you could travel from place to place in the blink of an eye? Hovercraft shoes can reach speeds up to 150mph and get you to wherever you need to go. We know 150mph may seem fast, but get a helmet and you'll be fine. Are your tardies in first block adding up because the traffic on the bridge is so slow? You will never be late again because you'll able to fly over the traffic using your new pair of Hovercraft shoes. Avoid the hassle of checking baggage and making it through security checks at the airport, just jump in your shoes and your ready to go anywhere. No more fighting for who gets the window seat, because you cant get a better view than the one you will see with the hovercraft shoes. There are hundreds of unique sizes, colors, and styles to fit your personality. For only six easy payments of $49.99 these shoes can be yours! With an additional cost of $39.99 we will throw in a parka for the extreme cold weather you may encounter. Order your hovercraft shoes today and start flying tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

#3 A Breath Taking View

The sunlight reflects off the water to give it a glistening glow. The smell of pine needles and fresh air overwhelm my senses. Dipping my feet into the water, a feeling of relief sweeps over me. I lay back on the sand and feel the smooth surface run away from me. The sand forms around my body like a pair of jeans, hugging every curve. The mountains stand as high as the soaring birds. Towering over the landscape, they are able to witness ultimate beauty. The pallet of blues and greens blend together, creating the calmest of waters. A small breeze blows across the waves. The aroma of fresh air is so crisp, I feel as if I can almost taste it. Wind tangles my hair as the sounds of wildlife grow louder. Salmon spring from water that looks as clear as glass, and make their way upstream. Leaves rustle behind me as a moose wanders its way through the forest, oblivious to the serenity that surrounds him. Closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath, I realize how simple it is to find peace in the world.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

#2 Go Green!

Wow. You kids must have nothing better to do then to make "anti" fan pages about celebrities; why don't you save a tree or something? If you would have seen my new movie, the 11th hour, you would know that global warming is greatly increasing and you can learn of new ways to help prevent this. Instead you spend your free time criticizing my looks (which I know I am hot) and my career. Lets see you make over 10 million dollars in a year. I can buy anything that I want, but of course its all environmental friendly and fits into my go green campaign. A hybrid car? Got it. New solar panels for my house? Got it. A compost pile? Got it. A 3,000 dollar toilet? Got it. Acting takes talent, and if you think I am such a horrible actor, try and explain the countless number of Oscars I have been nominated for. Being famous isn't easy, it takes a lot of energy all day and everyday. By the way, solar power all the way! In your little "web page" you talk about how I am always club hopping and dating models. Maybe you are just jealous because the girl that sits next to you in biology wont even acknowledge that you exist. So I'm sorry that it offends you that in my free time I enjoying going to the clubs or dating models, but who wouldn't want a hot babe on their arm? You can say I'm ugly, or I look girly, but hate to break it to ya, that won't make you any cuter. Plus, all my hair product is Eco friendly and not tested on animals, so why wouldn't I take the extra minute to look even better? What I really don't understand is if you hate me so much, why waste your time finding stuff out about my life and typing it into a web page? You really have too much free time on your hands and need to learn the importance of recycling.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

#1 Hippies

Audience: Republicans
The colors and swirls of the outfits are only there to distract you from their messed up perception of the way they think the world should work. They think that by holding a peace sign and avoiding any type of conflict, that this can make the world a better place. They lack any type of work ethic and believe they can get by in life by "going with the flow" or "taking' it easy." They are known to be unreliable and unpredictable when it comes to any situation in life. This can dramatically effect the economy and produce and unproductive society. Some people may think oh its just a stage that teens go through. However, as you can see in this picture, this stage can go on for many years. These elderly people should not be partying on a camping trip, they should be at home playing with their grandchildren. Hippies, beat necks, or whatever you prefer to call them need to finally realize that not all aspects of life are peaceful and sometimes someone needs to take charge in order to make something happen.

Audience: Peers
I don't understand what anyone has against hippies. Just because someone doesn't want to be a business man working ten hour days doesn't mean there is anything wrong with them. They just want to live a relaxing life, free of schedules or "to do" lists. I can't see the harm in living life day by day with out much planning. Life is spontaneous, and when society tries to plan it all out, the meaning becomes distorted and pointless. People say that hippies are bums and do not contribute anything to the public. This is not true at all. Hippies are very artistic and bring culture to society. People under estimate hippies contribution to the world - they show us to stop and smell the roses. Not every hippie is a burn out on drugs, but can offer a new perspective to our overworked and overtired culture.